罗 莹
(常州大学 周有光语言文化学院,江苏 常州 213164)
摘 要:汉语“出+N”结构根据动词“出”搭配的名词论元(N)不同,展现出多种语义和事件结构,原因在于名词论元具有不同的物性结构和词汇类型结构,其中包含的语义信息可以作用于动词的事件结构,拉长事件持续时间或引入新的事件阶段,最终改变其体貌性质。生成词库的多层语义结构理论(包括事件结构、物性结构和词汇类型结构等)能够对词汇语义进行深度描写,超越传统词汇语义学理论的解释范围,为一些后者无法驾驭的“出+N”结构体貌转换现象提供合理的解释。
关键词:生成词库 事件结构 物性结构 词汇类型结构 体貌转换
20世纪90年代The Generative Lexicon一书的出版标志着生成词库理论正式形成(Pustejovsky,1995)。2008年前后,张秀松、宋作艳等学者将该理论引入中国,近年来已运用于国内多个大型词库的建设。(张秀松,2008;Pustejovsky等,2009;宋作艳,2010)
生成词库中,词汇的语义信息存储于四层结构中,即论元结构(argument structure)、事件结构(event structure)、物性结构(qualia structure)和词汇类型结构(lexical typing structure)。每层结构内部采用不同的方式组织信息,四层结构相互关联、相互作用,构成词汇的基础语义平台。下面就本文涉及的“事件结构”“物性结构”和“词汇类型结构”三个概念进行介绍。
基金项目:本文受到国家留学基金委建设高水平大学公派研究生项目“生成词库理论框架下中西语运动动词研究”[项目编号: CSC201308390017]以及西班牙经济及竞争力部项目“Diccionario Electrónico Multilingüe de Verbos de Movimiento (多语种运动动词电子词典)”[项目编号:FFI2012-33807]资助,在此表示感谢。
Semantic information of the nominal argument and the variation of event structure in “出/chū (‘exit’) + N”
Luo Ying
(Zhou Youguang School of Languages And cultures Changzhou University,Changzhou,213164,China)
Abstract:The construction of“出/chū(‘exit’)+N”adopts different meanings and event structures according to the semantic information of the nominal argument associated with the verb出/chū(‘exit’). The information contained in the qualia structure and lexical typing structure of the nominal argument could change the event structure of the verb,prolonging its process or introducing a new phase into it, and thus causing the aspect shift of the whole combination.A deep description of the lexical meaning within the theoretical framework of Generative Lexicon leads to the solution of some aspect shift problems in“出/chū(‘exit’)+N”,which have found themselves unexplainable from the perspective of traditional lexical semantics.
Key words:Generative Lexicon;event structure;qualia structure;lexical typing structure;aspect shift
Semantic information of the nominal argument and the variation of event structure in “出/chū (‘exit’) + N”
Luo Ying
(Zhou Youguang School of Languages And cultures Jiangsu University,Changzhou,213164,China)
Abstract:The construction of“出/chū(‘exit’)+N”adopts different meanings and event structures according to the semantic information of the nominal argument associated with the verb出/chū(‘exit’). The information contained in the qualia structure and lexical typing structure of the nominal argument could change the event structure of the verb,prolonging its process or introducing a new phase into it, and thus causing the aspect shift of the whole combination.A deep description of the lexical meaning within the theoretical framework of Generative Lexicon leads to the solution of some aspect shift problems in“出/chū(‘exit’)+N”,which have found themselves unexplainable from the perspective of traditional lexical semantics.
Key words:Generative Lexicon;event structure;qualia structure;lexical typing structure;aspect shift